Minneapolis Window Guards Save Glass

Window guards artisticornamentaliron

Recently, Artistic Ornamental Iron was contacted by a homeowner in Minneapolis. The homeowner had just done an exterior remodel and had new, energy efficient windows installed. The homeowner was pleased that he went that extra mile for his home remodels. Unfortunately, it only took one errant baseball and a not so fun window replacement that motivated the homeowner to get the best window guards Minneapolis had to offer, which were supplied by Artistic Ornamental Iron. We scheduled a meeting with the homeowner at his residence so we could present him with all of the options we have available for window guards.

Project Outline

We met with the homeowner to discuss his window guard requirements. We let the homeowner know that all iron work provided by our company would be done by our professional iron specialists, and each piece would be hand welded to perfection. The homeowner was thrilled with this news, and our team measured the windows to provide precise and exceptional window guards Minneapolis homeowners would be envious of. Once the window guards were custom built and created our team returned to the home and installed them for the homeowner. The customer was pleased with the outcome. He said not only would his windows be protected, but also the windows guards would provide safety and security for his family along with a touch of elegance for his home. He doesn’t regret the baseball wrecking his window now because he has the best looking windows with window guards in Minneapolis thanks to Artistic Ornamental Iron.

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“description”: “Recently, Artistic Ornamental Iron was contacted by a homeowner in Minneapolis. The homeowner had just done an exterior remodel and had new, energy efficient windows installed.”,
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“datePublished”: “2015-12-02”,
“dateModified”: “2023-04-25”

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